ISSN :2582-9793

Blockchain-based Recommendation System: A Review Focusing on Security Aspect

Review Article (Published On: 23-Oct-2023 )
Blockchain-based Recommendation System: A Review Focusing on Security Aspect

Su-Cheng Haw, Elham Abdulwahab Anaam, Naveen Palanichamy and Kok-Why Ng

Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 3 (4):1557-1571

Su-Cheng Haw : Multimedia University, Malaysia

Elham Abdulwahab Anaam : Multimedia University

Naveen Palanichamy : Multimedia University

Kok-Why Ng : Multimedia University

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Article History: Received on: 01-Aug-23, Accepted on: 15-Oct-23, Published on: 23-Oct-23

Corresponding Author: Su-Cheng Haw


Citation: Elham Abdulwahab Anaam, Su-Cheng Haw, Palanichamy Naveen, Kok-Why Ng (2023). Blockchain-based Recommendation System: A Review Focusing on Security Aspect. Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 3 (4 ):1557-1571




Recently, blockchain technology has caused considerable interest in academic research in the recommendation system domain. These records frequently contain encryption to achieve a comprehensive and reliable recommendation system. These records frequently contain encryption keys. Additionally, recommendation systems concerning suitable evaluation metrics are crucial to providing an accurate recommender system. Despite the attempts to address these issues through various strategies, very few researchers have considered a success in encrypting, especially in safeguarding the subscribers’ data. Currently, blockchain technology has drawn a lot of interest amongst several researchers, including in the area of recommendation system.  To define these gaps, the current study aims to review the adoption of blockchain as one significant upside plan to increase data protection in recommendation systems. The systematic literature review (SLR) method was used to analyze  publications from different electronic databases and documents of studies from 2019 to 2022. This research contributed to an in-depth comprehension of blockchain-based security techniques for recommending systems in addition to offering an overview of currently available blockchain-based programs within industries. The report emphasizes and examines significant facts and information about the blockchain depends security techniques for recommendation networks. Researchers highlight interest in a higher rate of security data and highlight noteworthy elements determined by an independent evaluation technique.


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