ISSN :2582-9793

About Special Issues

A special issue is a curated collection of articles that are focused on a specific theme, topic, or emerging area within a particular field of study. It provides an opportunity to delve deeper into a specialized subject and bring together a diverse range of research, perspectives, and advancements. Special issues often aim to highlight cutting-edge research, explore emerging trends, or address pressing challenges within a specific domain. They are typically organized and overseen by guest editors who are experts in the field and work closely with the journal's editorial team to ensure the quality and relevance of the contributions. Special issues play a crucial role in advancing knowledge, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, and providing a platform for researchers to showcase their work in a focused and impactful manner.

Benefits of Being a Guest Editor:

The Guest Editor team collectively receives two waivers for Article Processing Charges (APCs), which can be used to submit a maximum of two research and/or review manuscripts for their Special Issue. These waivers can also be utilized to commission research or review articles from field experts. Once all manuscripts successfully pass the peer review process, the Guest Editor team is requested to write an Editorial introducing the Special Issue, which is exempt from APC charges. To ensure an unbiased review process, submissions by the Guest Editors will be handled by members of the journal's Editorial Board. The name of the Guest Editor who accepts a manuscript will be acknowledged in the published article, emphasizing transparency in the review process.