ISSN :2582-9793

Enhancing IoT Security Development and Evaluation of a Predictive Machine Learning Model for Attack Detection

Original Research (Published On: 25-Aug-2024 )
Enhancing IoT Security Development and Evaluation of a Predictive Machine Learning Model for Attack Detection

Atdhe Buja, Melinda Pacolli, Donika Bajrami, Philip Polstra and Akihiko Mutoh

Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 4 (3):2490-2498

Atdhe Buja : ICT Academy Research.

Melinda Pacolli : ECPD

Donika Bajrami : ICT Academy

Philip Polstra : Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Akihiko Mutoh : Tsukijihongwanji

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Article History: Received on: 09-Jun-24, Accepted on: 18-Aug-24, Published on: 25-Aug-24

Corresponding Author: Atdhe Buja


Citation: Atdhe Buja, Melinda Pacolli, Donika Bajrami, Philip Polstra, Akihiko Mutoh. (2024). Enhancing IoT Security Development and Evaluation of a Predictive Machine Learning Model for Attack Detection. Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 4 (3 ):2490-2498



The research focuses on the development and evaluation of a predictive model for Internet of Things (IoT) attack identification using historical IoT data from the Global Cyber Alliance's (GCA) Automated IoT Defense Ecosystem (AIDE). In the growing landscape of IoT security, the need for enhanced predictive solutions is most important. Our research leverages an enormous dataset, overall historical data from various IoT devices and network interactions, to develop a model to identify potential security threats. The key to our methodology concerns exploratory data analysis, focused on understanding complex patterns and anomalies in IoT data. This step is vital for feature engineering, where we meticulously select and transform data attributes to advance the model’s predictive strength. The data pre-processing stage further improves the dataset, ensuring the model is trained and tested on high-quality, relevant data. Model development is a composite process in this research. We tried out a few machine-learning algorithms, finally selecting the one that exhibited outstanding performance in preliminary tests. The chosen model endured strict training, with a basis on balancing accuracy and validity to predict IoT attacks in various scenarios effectively. The evaluation of our model is as durable as its development. We utilized a range of metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, to evaluate the model’s behavior overall. The results show that our model not only attains high accuracy but also maintains a notable level of precision in predicting IoT attacks, which is crucial in minimizing false positives. In conclusion, our research contributes to the enhancement of IoT security by providing a very effective predictive model for IoT attack detection.


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